1. C. Blanco-Gavaldà, M. Galbany-Casals, A. Susanna, S. Andrés-Sánchez, R.J. Bayer, C. Brochmann, G.V. Cron, N.G. Bergh, N. Garcia-Jacas, A. Gizaw, M. Kandziora, F. Kolá, J. López-Alvarado, F. Leliaert, R. Letsara, L.D. Moreyra, S.G. Razafimandimbison, R. Schmickl, and C. Roquet. Repeatedly northwards and upwards: Southern african grasslands fuel the colonization of the African sky islands in Helichrysum (Compositae). Plants. 2023. link
  2. R. Ufimov, J.M. Gorospe, T. Fér, M. Kandziora, L. Salomón, M. van Loo, and R. Schmickl. Utilizing paralogues for phylogenetic reconstruction has the potential to increase species tree support and reduce gene tree discordance in target enrichment data. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2022. link
  3. M. Kandziora, B. Gehrke, M. Popp, A. Gizaw, C. Brochmann, and M.D. Pirie. Young, disturbed, unsaturated: accelerating species accumulation in the enigmatic tropical alpine flora on the african sky islands. PNAS, 2022. link
  4. M. Kandziora, P. Sklenář, F. Kolář, and R. Schmickl. How to tackle phylogenetic discordance in recent and rapidly radiating groups? Developing a workflow using Loricaria (Asteraceae) as an example.). Frontiers in Plant Science Special Issue: Phylogenomic Discordance in Plant Systematics, 2021. link
  5. C. Brochmann, A. Gizaw, D. Chala, M. Kandziora, G. Eilu, M. Popp, M.D. Pirie, and B. Gehrke. History and evolution of the afroalpine flora: in the footsteps of Olov Hedberg. Alpine Botany, 2021. link
  6. L. Salomón, M. Nicola, M. Kandziora, F. Kolář, and P. Sklenář. Center of origin and evolutionary history in high andean genus Oritrophium (Astereae, Asteraceae) from Cordilleras of the Americas. Alpine Botany, 2021. link
  7. A. Gizaw, J. M. Gorospe, M. Kandziora, D. Chala, L. Gustafsson, A. Zinaw, L. Salomón, C. Eilu, G. Brochmann, F. Kolář, and R. Schmickl. Afroalpine flagships revisited II: elucidating the evolutionary relationships and species boundaries in the giant senecios (Dendrosenecio). Alpine Botany, 2021. link
  8. L.L. SanchezReyes, M. Kandziora, and E.J. McTavish. Physcraper: A python package for continual update of evolutionary estimates using the Open Tree of Life. BMC Bioinformatics, 22(1):1–13, 2021. link
  9. M. Kandziora. PhylUp: phylogenetic alignment building with custom taxonomic sampling. Available on bioRxiv, 2020.
  10. P.D.W. van der Merwe, F.P.D. Cotterill, M. Kandziora, B.R. Watters, B. Nagy, T. Genade, T.J. Flügel, D.S. Svendsen, and D.U. Bellstedt. Genomic fingerprints of palaeogeographic history: The tempo and mode of Rift tectonics across tropical Africa has shaped the diversification of the killifish genus Nothobranchius (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, page 106988, 2020. link
  11. D.U. Bellstedt, A. Coetzee, A. Hitchcock, M. Kandziora, T. van der Niet, N. Nürk, S. Musker, and M.D. Pirie. Small differences, big secrets. Veld & Flora, 106(1):26–31, 2020.
  12. M. D. Pirie, Kandziora, M., N. M. Nuerk, N. C. Le Maitre, A. L. Mugrabi de Kuppler, B. Gehrke, E. G. H. Oliver, and D. U. Bellstedt. Leaps and bounds: geographical and ecological distance constrained the colonisation of the Afrotemperate by Erica. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19:222, 2019. link
  13. Kadereit, J.W., Lauterbach, M., Kandziora, M. & Nyffeler, R. Dual colonization of European high altitude areas from Asia by Callianthemum C.A. Mey. (Ranunculaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 305:431–443, 2019. link
  14. Kandziora, M., Kadereit, J. W., and Gehrke, B. Dual colonization of the Palaearctic from different regions in the Afrotropics by Senecio. Journal of Biogeography, 44(1):147–157, 2017. link
  15. Pirie, M. D., Oliver, E. G. H., Mugrabi de Kuppler, A., Gehrke, B., Le Maitre, N. C., Kandziora, M., and Bellstedt, D. U. The biodiversity hotspot as evolutionary hot-bed: spectacular radiation of Erica in the Cape Floristic Region. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16:190, 2016. link
  16. Kandziora, M., Kadereit, J. W., and Gehrke, B. Frequent colonization and little in situ speciation in Senecio in the tropical alpine-like islands of eastern Africa. American Journal of Botany, 103(8):1483–1498, 2016. link
  17. Gehrke, B., Kandziora, M., and Pirie, M. D. The evolution of dwarf shrubs in alpine environments: a case study of Alchemilla in Africa. Annals of Botany, 117(1):121–131, 2015. link